@port139 Blog


Let's try to analyze the DataRuns of NTFS with ChatGPT.

I tried to parse the structure of DataRuns using ChatGPT. Based on several attempts, it appears that it is necessary to instruct the processing to be done in Python.

Here is the $DATA containing the DataRun we will be testing.
The HEX data of the DataRun is as follows.


Then, I will ask ChatGPT to visualize the given HEX data as DataRuns.

The following HEX data is the DataRuns data included in an NTFS FILE record. Please explain this in a way that is understandable to humans.
HEX data:

To understand the HEX data `3111AB6D29` as a DataRun in an NTFS FILE record, we need to break it down step-by-step. A DataRun describes how clusters (or blocks) of a file are allocated on disk. Each DataRun has a specific format in NTFS:

1. **Length Field**: This specifies the number of clusters that the DataRun describes.
2. **Offset Field**: This specifies the starting cluster of the DataRun relative to the previous DataRun.

The format of a DataRun is as follows:
- The first byte describes the length of the Length and Offset fields. The higher nibble (4 bits) of this byte tells us how many bytes the Offset field has, and the lower nibble tells us how many bytes the Length field has.
- The Length field comes first, followed by the Offset field.

Let’s break down the HEX data `3111AB6D29`:

### Step-by-Step Breakdown:

1. **First Byte (`31`):**
   - `3` (higher nibble) indicates the Offset field is 3 bytes long.
   - `1` (lower nibble) indicates the Length field is 1 byte long.

2. **Length Field:**
   - The next byte (`11`):
     - This tells us the number of clusters described by this DataRun. `11` in hex is `17` in decimal. So, this DataRun describes 17 clusters.

3. **Offset Field:**
   - The next 3 bytes (`AB6D29`):
     - This represents the starting cluster of the DataRun relative to the previous DataRun. In little-endian format (reversed byte order), this becomes `296DAB`.

     - Converting `296DAB` from hex to decimal gives us `2717867`. This means the DataRun starts at cluster `2717867` relative to the end of the previous DataRun.

### Human-Readable Explanation:

- The DataRun describes a segment of the file stored in 17 consecutive clusters on the disk.
- These clusters start at the cluster number `2717867` relative to the previous segment of the file.

So, the HEX data `3111AB6D29` translates to: "This file segment occupies 17 clusters, starting from cluster number 2717867 relative to the previous file segment."

If you have any specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask!

The number of clusters is correct, but the starting cluster position seems to be incorrect.

296DAB should be 2,715,051 when converted to decimal.

The following HEX data is the DataRuns data included in an NTFS FILE record.
Please explain this in a way that is understandable to humans.
Use Python to process the HEX data.
HEX Data:

Here is the explanation of the given HEX data `3111AB6D29`:

1. **Length of Length Field (in bytes)**: 1
   - This means the length of the Length field is 1 byte.

2. **Length of Offset Field (in bytes)**: 3
   - This means the length of the Offset field is 3 bytes.

3. **Length Field (number of clusters)**: 17
   - This indicates that the DataRun describes 17 clusters.

4. **Offset Field (starting cluster)**: 2715051
   - This specifies that the starting cluster for this DataRun is 2715051 relative to the previous DataRun.

### Human-Readable Explanation:

- The DataRun describes a segment of the file stored in 17 consecutive clusters on the disk.
- These clusters start at the cluster number 2715051 relative to the previous segment of the file.

This means that part of the file occupies 17 clusters, starting from cluster number 2715051 after the last described segment of the file.

It seems that the correct result has been obtained.

Please provide an example of a DataRuns where the data is stored in two locations and the relative position is negative.

Here is an example of a DataRun where the data is stored in two locations and the relative position is negative. We'll illustrate this with specific length and offset values:

1. **First DataRun**: 
   - Number of clusters: 50
   - Starting cluster: 1000 (relative to the previous DataRun)

2. **Second DataRun**: 
   - Number of clusters: 30
   - Starting cluster: -200 (relative to the end of the first DataRun)

### DataRun Construction

#### First DataRun:
- Length field: 50 clusters
- Offset field: 1000 clusters

#### Second DataRun:
- Length field: 30 clusters
- Offset field: -200 clusters

### HEX Data for the DataRun

We need to convert these values into the proper DataRun format in hexadecimal.

#### First DataRun Calculation:

1. **Length and Offset Sizes**:
   - Length field size: 1 byte (since 50 can fit in 1 byte)
   - Offset field size: 2 bytes (since 1000 needs 2 bytes)

2. **First Byte**: 
   - Combining length (1) and offset (2): `21` (hex)

3. **Length Field**:
   - 50 in hex: `32`

4. **Offset Field**:
   - 1000 in little-endian hex: `e803`

#### Second DataRun Calculation:

1. **Length and Offset Sizes**:
   - Length field size: 1 byte (since 30 can fit in 1 byte)
   - Offset field size: 2 bytes (since -200 can fit in 2 bytes when signed)

2. **First Byte**: 
   - Combining length (1) and offset (2): `21` (hex)

3. **Length Field**:
   - 30 in hex: `1e`

4. **Offset Field**:
   - -200 in little-endian hex (signed): `38ff` (two's complement)

### Combined DataRun in HEX

Combining the above values, we get the following HEX data for the DataRun:

First DataRun: 21 32 e803
Second DataRun: 21 1e 38ff
Combined: 2132e803211e38ff

### Python Code to Generate the DataRun

To generate and verify the DataRun, you can use the following Python code:

def create_datarun(length_field, offset_field):
    # Determine the number of bytes needed for length and offset fields
    length_length = (length_field.bit_length() + 7) // 8
    offset_length = (offset_field.bit_length() + 7) // 8
    if offset_field < 0:
        offset_length = max(offset_length, 1)  # Ensure signed representation is accommodated
    # Create the first byte
    first_byte = (offset_length << 4) | length_length
    # Convert length and offset to bytes
    length_bytes = length_field.to_bytes(length_length, byteorder='little')
    offset_bytes = offset_field.to_bytes(offset_length, byteorder='little', signed=True)
    # Combine all parts to form the DataRun
    datarun = bytes([first_byte]) + length_bytes + offset_bytes
    return datarun

# Example DataRun 1
length_field_1 = 50         # Length field (number of clusters)
offset_field_1 = 1000       # Offset field (starting cluster)

# Example DataRun 2 with negative offset
length_field_2 = 30         # Length field (number of clusters)
offset_field_2 = -200       # Negative Offset field (starting cluster)

# Create DataRuns
datarun_1 = create_datarun(length_field_1, offset_field_1)
datarun_2 = create_datarun(length_field_2, offset_field_2)

# Combine DataRuns
combined_datarun = datarun_1 + datarun_2

# Convert to HEX string for display
combined_datarun_hex = combined_datarun.hex()

Executing this code will yield the combined DataRun in HEX: `2132e803211e38ff`.

This DataRun specifies:
- The first segment of the file is 50 clusters starting at cluster 1000.
- The second segment of the file is 30 clusters starting 200 clusters before the end of the first segment.

Please provide an example of DataRuns where the data is stored in two locations and the relative position is negative.

Here is an example of a DataRun where the data is stored in two locations and the relative position is negative. We'll illustrate this with specific length and offset values:

1. **First DataRun**: 
   - Number of clusters: 50
   - Starting cluster: 1000 (relative to the previous DataRun)

2. **Second DataRun**: 
   - Number of clusters: 30
   - Starting cluster: -200 (relative to the end of the first DataRun)

### DataRun Construction

#### First DataRun:
- Length field: 50 clusters
- Offset field: 1000 clusters

#### Second DataRun:
- Length field: 30 clusters
- Offset field: -200 clusters

### HEX Data for the DataRun

We need to convert these values into the proper DataRun format in hexadecimal.

#### First DataRun Calculation:

1. **Length and Offset Sizes**:
   - Length field size: 1 byte (since 50 can fit in 1 byte)
   - Offset field size: 2 bytes (since 1000 needs 2 bytes)

2. **First Byte**: 
   - Combining length (1) and offset (2): `21` (hex)

3. **Length Field**:
   - 50 in hex: `32`

4. **Offset Field**:
   - 1000 in little-endian hex: `e803`

#### Second DataRun Calculation:

1. **Length and Offset Sizes**:
   - Length field size: 1 byte (since 30 can fit in 1 byte)
   - Offset field size: 2 bytes (since -200 can fit in 2 bytes when signed)

2. **First Byte**: 
   - Combining length (1) and offset (2): `21` (hex)

3. **Length Field**:
   - 30 in hex: `1e`

4. **Offset Field**:
   - -200 in little-endian hex (signed): `38ff` (two's complement)

### Combined DataRun in HEX

Combining the above values, we get the following HEX data for the DataRun:

First DataRun: 21 32 e803
Second DataRun: 21 1e 38ff
Combined: 2132e803211e38ff

### Python Code to Generate the DataRun

To generate and verify the DataRun, you can use the following Python code:

def create_datarun(length_field, offset_field):
    # Determine the number of bytes needed for length and offset fields
    length_length = (length_field.bit_length() + 7) // 8
    offset_length = (offset_field.bit_length() + 7) // 8
    if offset_field < 0:
        offset_length = max(offset_length, 1)  # Ensure signed representation is accommodated
    # Create the first byte
    first_byte = (offset_length << 4) | length_length
    # Convert length and offset to bytes
    length_bytes = length_field.to_bytes(length_length, byteorder='little')
    offset_bytes = offset_field.to_bytes(offset_length, byteorder='little', signed=True)
    # Combine all parts to form the DataRun
    datarun = bytes([first_byte]) + length_bytes + offset_bytes
    return datarun

# Example DataRun 1
length_field_1 = 50         # Length field (number of clusters)
offset_field_1 = 1000       # Offset field (starting cluster)

# Example DataRun 2 with negative offset
length_field_2 = 30         # Length field (number of clusters)
offset_field_2 = -200       # Negative Offset field (starting cluster)

# Create DataRuns
datarun_1 = create_datarun(length_field_1, offset_field_1)
datarun_2 = create_datarun(length_field_2, offset_field_2)

# Combine DataRuns
combined_datarun = datarun_1 + datarun_2

# Convert to HEX string for display
combined_datarun_hex = combined_datarun.hex()

Executing this code will yield the combined DataRun in HEX: `2132e803211e38ff`.

This DataRun specifies:
- The first segment of the file is 50 clusters starting at cluster 1000.
- The second segment of the file is 30 clusters starting 200 clusters before the end of the first segment.

The following HEX data is the DataRun data included in an NTFS FILE record.
Please explain this in a way that is understandable to humans.
Use Python to process the HEX data.
HEX Data:

Here is an explanation of the given HEX data `2132e803211e38ff`:

### Breakdown and Explanation:

#### First DataRun:

1. **First Byte (`21`)**:
   - The upper 4 bits (`2`) indicate that the offset field is 2 bytes long.
   - The lower 4 bits (`1`) indicate that the length field is 1 byte long.

2. **Length Field (`32`)**:
   - This indicates 50 clusters (`32` in hex is `50` in decimal).

3. **Offset Field (`e803`)**:
   - In little-endian format, this is `03e8`, which is `1000` in decimal.
   - Thus, this DataRun starts 1000 clusters from the end of the previous DataRun.

#### Second DataRun:

1. **First Byte (`21`)**:
   - The upper 4 bits (`2`) indicate that the offset field is 2 bytes long.
   - The lower 4 bits (`1`) indicate that the length field is 1 byte long.

2. **Length Field (`1e`)**:
   - This indicates 30 clusters (`1e` in hex is `30` in decimal).

3. **Offset Field (`38ff`)**:
   - In little-endian format, this is `ff38`, which is `-200` when interpreted as a signed integer (two's complement).

### Human-Readable Explanation:

#### First DataRun:
- This segment of the file is stored in 50 consecutive clusters.
- These clusters start at a position 1000 clusters from the end of the previous segment.

#### Second DataRun:
- This segment of the file is stored in 30 consecutive clusters.
- These clusters start at a position 200 clusters before the end of the previous segment.

In this example, the file data is stored in two separate locations on the disk, with one segment starting at a positive offset and the other at a negative offset relative to the end of the previous segment.

I couldn't create a fragmented file, so I had ChatGPT generate sample DataRuns. Asking for a practice problem might be another option.

It might also be a good idea to request the creation of sample DataRuns for sparse files.

Unfortunately, when I requested the creation of DataRuns including sparse files, incorrect DataRuns were created. Did your prompt yield the correct results?